Ootori Family:College


Well here we are again ladies and gentlemen. I’ve been working on my Queen Bee Challenge so I haven’t had a lot of time to blog these guys. Hi Brittany!
Brittany:Argh. I grew up bad again!
It’s expected. You grew up using cheats…which I may have to use during the Queen Bee Challenge because there are no Townies regenerating…
Brittany:Queen Bee Challenge?
Never mind.
Oh it’s Bri-
Hey you’re not Brittany! You’re a Dormie look-a-like of Brittany.
Huff,do I smell makeover?
Yes,yes I do!
Brittany:This hair is a bit more manageable. I like it.
Whoa! It’s the first streaker of college life! We wil see many many more.
Kyon:All you sucker MCs ain’t got nothin’ on me! On my grades on my lines you-
Alright that’s enough, Kevin G.
Kyouya! I haven’t seen you in a while!
Kyon:It’s okay,Dad. We’ll be home soon.
Kyouya:Hope so. Haruhi is moping around because she misses you.
I will assure this. I'm downloading the Faster College Hack because college is getting too damn boring.
Later. the two go on a date.
Brittany:Kyon,wha-what’s this?
(I could totally make a joke here, but I won’t)
Kyon:Will you marry me,Brittany Parker?
Brittany:Y-yes, I will. I will marry you,Kyon.
*insert heart warming music*
Kyon:It’s too bad we can’t get married until we graduate…
Hey why are we in the spa?
Hey,hey, guys….Oh. Okay, I’ll leave for a little.
Heh, this is the first time I made Sims do First Woohoo in a hot tub.
More artistic photos. I call this one “Nature Boy”.
*immediately starts singing Nature Boy*
Kyon:So…shoes. I think I’ll go buy some high heels.
Brittany:For me I hope.
You know it’s love when one can casually converse about shoes in front of a flaming pile of leaves.
Hey,llama! Get away from Brittany!
(I like to imagine this llama’s name is Francisco. Inside joke)
Kyon, what are you doing!?
Kyon:Sim Vac. I had a lot of Aspiration Points to spend.
I made Kyon chase her around for 2 hours with the Sim Vac. Then she had a talk with the Sim Shrink so I left her alone.
I took another artistic photo. I love fireflies.
Oh and if it matters, I made the two move into a rentable house and started a Greek House. By next post they’ll definitely move back into Trapezzi with our original CAS Sims.

Expansion Packs

Well they came in yesterday. University and Open for Business.
And you may be asking, "Why buy them now when Sims 3 is coming out in June?"
For one, I have extra money to spend. And two, I'm enjoying the last few months with my Sims 2 families before Sims 3. I am a bit reluctant to switch over.

I couldn't play so much last night because I had a bunch of homework and not enough time to do anything. Hopefully by Sunday there will be a new post since I don't have any homework this weekend. See ya.